Presentation: Tweet"Kanban - Crossing the line, pushing the limit or rediscovering the agile vision?"
Kanban represents a different and "Leaner" way of looking at software development compared to other agile methods like XP and Scrum. Focusing on principles and value sets, agile best practices like estimation, fixed iterations, cross functional teams, specific roles and even iteration retrospectives are no longer mandatory. For this reason some see Kanban as a threat to agile development and therefore a step in the wrong direction. That is not the case.
In this session we will explore how Kanban differs from agile methods like Scrum and XP and how these differences can be used to find real solutions to real problems in situations where traditional methods fall short. Having gone through the transition to Kanban it is my experience that Kanban's Lean perspective offers a unique way of rediscovering the agile vision. For some projects Scrum, XP or both are a perfect fit but they come at a cost and may turn out to be an unnecessarily expensive solution in your particular context. There are however no free meals and there is a downside to everything. Kanban is not a "Silver Bullet" but definitely deserves a place in your agile toolbox.
Keywords: Lean, agile, Kanban, process, project management, product development, organization, culture
Target audience: All who take part in software product development and delivery: Technical leads, Team leads, development managers, business developers and software engineers.
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